Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Current Issue

Digital workflow in implantology: the steps of cadcam planification

Thanks to the evolution of radiological acquisition techniques, the use of CT and CBCT by practitioners allowed visualization of bone structures and anatomical obstacles in three dimensions and after implant simulation in the planification software we can place the implant in the ideal position from a prosthetic and surgical point of view. The digital evolution then led us to the manufacture of surgical guides thus eliminating operator-dependent errors.

Shrimaya jag taarni -- guruvani (1) means akoahum bahushymi means universe “i” or hoyal narlikar universe. means two god particles (truth or eternal structure or eternity or primary god or twahid) transformed into created universe (maya - tertiary god and

It is being believed that Muslims do not do idol worship. It is myth. Before origin of the universe all things were in form of tachyons particles which are made up of two basic building blocks – Yang and Yin or mind and mass part of reality (Not set of informations Code PcPs – Originator of all sets of informatins Code PcPs). To understand concept of idol worship we have to understand Basic Building Blocks (B.B.B – Mind – CCP, Code PcPs or set of informations and CP and Mass -- Fig 1). The Creator B.B.B or Almighty B.B.B has considered them as smallest idols.

Two nation theory –a wrong theory, that betrayed conscience of our leaders including mahatma gandhi. indian national congress and muslim league to agree on a federal power- sharing formula now time to rectify mistake. join mission universe

August 11 1947 was the day when pragmatic leader Jinnah, the architect of a contested idea, “Pakistan”, set a new and indiscriminately inclusive direction for the newly created state. His earlier references to the “Two Nation Theory” (of Hindus and Muslims being two distinct nationalities in British India) employed as a political instrument to carve a separate country, required re-calibration and a governable definition. 1947 was not a straightforward or a linear event.

Why did allah tala (highest center of universe) prohibit pig (mammal or milk producing) slaughtering in quran? what does it mean? and how does slaughtering effect in ecology imbalance leading to different types of malnutrition in children (under 5 years)

Quran is written by Highest center of universe (Allah Tala or Creator B.B.B or Lord Natraz or Allah Hu Akbar) and was downloaded 1400 years back by unconditioned thought expression to Mohammad Sahib (Fig 9.1). Malnutrition among children (under 5 years) is a challenge and it is by virtue of imbalance in milk production and milk producing animals that is caused by slaughtering of cows, goats and buffalos for eating and for sacrifice for kurbani globally .

Mobilite interne et performance de la douane camerounaise

L’objet du présent travail est d’analyser le lien entre mobilité et efficacité organisationnelle. Les référents théoriques mobilisés à cet effet portent essentiellement sur les travaux de Maruani et Renaud (1993) qui démontrent que la mobilité interne, en tant que facteur de fidélisation et de stabilisation de la main d’œuvre formée par l’entreprise, est source de performance. Ainsi la mobilité favorise l’apprentissage et l’accumulation des connaissances.

A comparative study to assess the malnutrition among adult women by using mid upper arm circumference (muac) versus body mass index (bmi) at Thirubhuvanai Palayam, Puducherry

Malnutrition, defined as ill health caused by deficiencies of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals interacting with infections and other poor health and social conditions, saps the strength and well-being of millions of women and adolescent girls around the world. though malnutrition actually also relates to problems of nutritional excess.

The effectiveness of care bundle approach on the prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infection (cauti) among the patient with indwelling catheter in selected hospitals at Puducherry.

Objective: The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Care Bundle Approach on prevention of CAUTI among experimental group, to compare the effectiveness of Care Bundle Approach on CAUTI among experimental and control group, to associate the selected demographic and clinical variables with CAUTI among the patients on experimental and control group. Material and methods: A quasi experimental post test only control group design was adopted for the study.

The effect of lactate buildup as an outflowing energy onboxers performance

Background: Lactate buildup and out flowing energy is one of the most important physiological phenomena used to explain athletes' response to better performance, especially in activities that depend on the lactic system for energy production. This is in light of the recent trend that lactate is not the main source of fatigue and is an energy production system, the reason for the increase in acidic muscles and poor ability to perform is dissociation into lactate and the H+ ion. Aim: Design a training program identify performance changing while increasing in blood lactate.

Can disruptive technologies be considered as blue ocean leadership strategy and be used as a tool for competing in international markets? Turkish economy case

Blue ocean leadership strategy stands for the unknown market fields and thus, high increase rates in terms of profits. Disruptive technologies, on the other hand, are defined as disruptive memorization technologies that found place in new markets and behave independent of customer expectations. In this frame the purpose of this study is to evaluate the competency of Turkish economy to compete in international markets via using disruptive technologies as blue ocean strategy and put forward the potential opportunities.