Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Life Sciences

A toxicological review of vatsanabha (aconitum ferox)

Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) is one of the deadly poison categorized under the Mahavisha (by rasatarangini) and Sthavara visha (by sushrut and charak). It is a common drug indicated therapeutically for the management of various disease like Pleehodara (Spleenomegaly), Kushtha (Skin disease), Pandu (Anemia), Jwara (fever), Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis), Abhishyanda (Conjuctivitis) etc. As Acharya Charak mentioned that even poison in small amount acts like a nectar. So It is use in various medicinal formulations after proper purification.

The yield gap analysis and impact of technological changes in soybean production in maharashtra state

Soybean possesses a very high nutritional value along with high yield potential. It contains about 40% high quality protein and 20% oil. The present study was carried out to know,the yield gap analysis and impact of technological changes in soybean production in Maharashtra state. The technological and input use difference between for soybean contributed to form the total productivity difference of 25.78 per cent, whereas, the contribution of technological change to total change in output alone was estimated to be 17.40 per cent.

First evidence of aggregating sea anemone, anthopleura elegantissima (brandt, 1835) from the saurashtra coast, Gujarat

This communication reports the first documentation of the Actiniarian, Anthopleura elegantissima (Brand, 1835) which was found at mid littoral zone of Vadodra jhala, Saurashtra coast of Gujarat. Till date there are no records available on this species and its aggregation form in Indian waters. Interestingly, this species of anemone Anthopleura elegantissima known particularly for its aggressiveness, also display acrorhagi on contact with members of the same or other species.

Risk factors associated with infertility among sudanese women in khartoum state 2013

Background: Female infertility either primary or secondary type is a multifactorial condition. It constitutes a worldwide public health problem that has gained much concern during the past two decade. Causes and risk factors of infertility can be classified into: genital, endocrinal, developmental and general factors .Overall aim of the study was to identify the risk factors of infertility among Sudanese women.

The nanocapsule with polymer core and silica coating as cement additive for concrete with self healing property

Nano silica, a new pozzolanic material, due to having a high specific surface, constitutes a strong adhesion agent in concrete and like pozzolan, fills the micro fractures and capillary pores, and thus increases the density, reduces the permeability, and enhances the strength and durability. But in the event of fracturing of the already treated concrete, the nano silica treatment appears to perform poorly.Thus, in the current work, a new nano silica type material with polymer core and silica shell –the nanocapsule – was introduced together with the synthesizing procedure.

A review on theimpact of climate change in environment, coastal and marine ecosystem

Ecosystem enhances and benefits human folk fore in several ways ever since. In recent years the green house effect concentration leads to various disorders in our environment. This review paper summarizes about the impact of our environment in the coastal and marine ecosystem affecting the shorelines, estuaries, coastal wetlands, and the coral reefs and also affecting the coastal margin ecosystem. The sea level concentration, alternate in precipitate patterns in the fresh water nutrients and sediment increase in oceanic temperatures and hence leads to the change in the coastal storms.

Comparative study of statins and different formulation of statins- a review

Statins are very commonly used antihyperlipidaemic in all over theworld. Statins are the main API occurred in all antihyperlipidaemic drugs. This classes of compounds are the most efficacious and the best tolerated hypolipidaemic drugs. Statins reduced the raised LDL-CH associated mortality and morbidity is now established. Up to certain therapeutic dose is useful but anoverdose of Statins start side effects like a headache, Nausea, vomiting and bowel upset, rashes on the body.

Online event discovery from camera in indoor environment

In this paper, we propose a novel, real-time unsupervised learning based event discovery framework for indoor environment. We assume that a static camera is continuously observing an indoor area. Our framework is able to find the important regions such as the entrances and exits which we call as hotspots and to find the most popular paths. Our framework also finds the correlations between these hotspots. We develop an incremental clustering mechanism to discover events on-the-fly and define a probability associated with each cluster to ensure the correctness of the clustering stage.

Organoleptic properties of selected newly released rice varieties of northern telangana region

Organoleptic tests were conducted for evaluating the appearance, cohesiveness, tenderness on touching, tenderness on chewing, taste, aroma and overall acceptability of cooked rice. Sensory attributes like aroma, flavour, taste, tenderness or hardness, cohesiveness or stickiness, appearance, all influence the eating quality (Mundy et al., 1989). Sensory evaluation of two rice varieties namely Anjana (JGL-11118) and Pradhyumna (JGL-17004) was done. 64 g of raw rice was taken for each rice variety and cooked with 1:2 ratio of water.