Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Current Issue

Brazilian higher education: challenges and possible pedagogical strategies during covid-19 pandemic

The current emergency measures facing the pandemic by COVID-19, including social distance, Brazilian higher education institutions needed to recreate themselves, in a short period of time, to offer students, not only classes, but a model of tool that could quickly and easily access enough relevant knowledge to university students learning within legal procedures.

Impact of typical gastroesophageal reflux in patients with asthma

Introduction: The absence of Gabonese data justifies this work, which aimed to identify the consequences of typical gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) in asthma control. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study carried out in a population of asthmatics followed for more than 2 years at Omar Bongo Ondimba Military Training Hospital between January 1, 2008 and 31 December 2015. Demographic, Social, Epidemiological, Clinical, Paraclinical and Therapeutic data were collected and compared between the group of patients with GERD and those without GERD.

The impact of covid-19 on payment systems in turkey

The negative effects of coronavirus on the economy are increasingly felt in all countries. Banks, which form the basis of payment systems in e-commerce, are rapidly affected by changing trade patterns and different channels and fintechs have a disruptive effect on the banking sector. Apart from the use of traditional banking products, fintech technology is increasingly preferred by consumers and banks, with increasing costs and the cost impact of digitalization.

Legislative quality is the basis of effective law enforcement activities

The article puts forward the study of issues of quality of legislation and legal regulation in the field of law, legal regulation of normative legal acts, including the law enforcement tool to improve the quality of legislation. The main directions of research on the problems of the law and the quality of its implementation are outlined in the current context, in which the building of a democratic society, the strict protection of human rights and interests is a priority.

Evaluating communication effectiveness of youtube advertisements

Online video advertising continues to play an important role in increasing brand awareness in recent years. This paper aims to develop and test a feasible conceptual framework about how video advertising characteristics and technological interactivity influence target audience’s receptiveness of designated advertising messages and their behavioral intention. A survey was conducted with over 170 valid Internet savvy viewers in Singapore.

The maximum-conjugate-triptych method for teaching learners with different entry profiles in the technical higher education

The authors, based on a study carried out in two higher polytechnic institutes of Cabinda and Soyo in Angola and shows that didactics must be improved because traditional teaching methods do not always help to raise the level of success of students. There are learners with different entry profiles in technical higher education in Angola and probably in the world.

Evaluation of intra-operative ultrasound in assessing clear margin in breast conservative surgery

Aim: Breast conservative surgery (BCS) and oncoplastic procedures are becoming more and more popular, providing better aesthetic outcome but one of the main draw-back of these procedures is involvement of the margin and return to theatre, causing undesired economic and cosmetic outcome in addition to psychological burden on the patients. Frozen section can decrease incidence of involved margin however, it is not always available in addition to increasing the cost. Using intra-operative ultrasound (IOUS) is a proposed solution to overcome this dilemma.

Peer tutoring in physical education: a review of evidence based practices

Introduction: Peer tutors are students who assist other students with disabilities to acquire complete skills, tasks and achieve goals. Physical education teachers continue to face many challenges due to large class sizes and a variety of abilities in specific physical activities. Objectives: a. To review research on peer tutoring in physical education, b. To discuss evidence-based practices for implementation of peer tutoring programs in physical education and adapted physical education.