Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Groundwater and earthquakes: a general review

Researchers have for decades investigated Groundwater-level responses to earthquakes and vice versa. Findings have been adequately documented in each case especially when it comes to the rises and fall of water levels, and the impact of the groundwater flow regime on the earthquakes. This paper reviews the concept of earthquake generation, groundwater occurrence, and characteristic properties common to earthquake and groundwater materials, as well as interactions. Also, some case studies are evaluated. The rise and fall in groundwater-level most often occur before, during and after the earthquake’s seismic wave train come to a point. It is clear from the discussions that, groundwater flow systems, naturally or induced can trigger earthquakes, whereas naturally occurring earthquakes can impact groundwater flow systems. Finally, responses to the stress-strain relationship generated are site-specific and are dependent on the local geologic conditions.

Edmund Baffoe-Twum
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