Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Rural and urbananalysis of hiv/aids prevention methods by the government of thailand: evidence-based lessons for sub-saharan african countries

This research study addresses critical issues of HIV prevention in rural and urban regions of Thailand from an epidemiological perspective. Infrastructural health inequalities and geographical diversity in Thailand will be used to suggest HIV prevention improvements in South Africa (SA) plus other sub-Saharan African countries such as Lesotho, Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland. Comparisons between past and current HIV prevalence rates in Bangkok, Thailand and sub-Saharan countries will be used a benchmark to assess the effectiveness of the 100% condom program implemented by the Thai government. Significant public health and infrastructural improvements in Thailand will be analyzed as well. Important lessons reaped from the great success by the government of Thailand in reducing HIV prevalence rates from 95% to close to 25% by 2014 can be emulated and adopted in sub-Saharan Africa particularly in South Africa (SA), which has the highest rate of HIV prevalence in the world i.e. 6.4 million according to Mabaso, Simbayi, Maduna, Ramaliba and Naidoo (2016).

Geoffrey Ounda Obel
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