Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Prakriti – a classical review

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian holistic medical science, practiced since 1500 B.C deals with body, mind and spirit and aims at preservation-promotion of health and prevention-cure of diseases. It provides measures for a disciplined, disease-free, long life. Ayurveda defines health as a state of physical, psychological, social and spiritual well being and is based on the theory of Panchamahabhoota (the five basic elements – Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) and Tridoshas (three biological humors – Vata, Pitta and Kapha) which are present in each and every cell of the body along with mind and spirit. The term Prakriti is made from two words ‘Pra’ means the ‘beginning’ and ‘kriti’ means ‘to form’. In Prakriti, the word ‘Pra’ signifies Satva Guna, the word ‘kri’ signifies Raja Guna and word ‘ti’ signifies Tama Guna. In this way the term Prakriti formed.1 In this study, it has been tried to compile the knowledge of Prakriti from various ancient texts.

Dr. Vikram Vir Bhushan, Dr Prakash Jondhale and Dr Divya Deepak Sharma
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