Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Improving behavior of consuming fe tablets for pregnant mothers of anemia in the covid pandemic 19

During the Covid 19 Pandemic, new strategies were needed to improve Table Fe consumption behavior in pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia. The main cause of anemia is the low compliance of mothers consuming Fe because mothers forget, family support, in this case the husband is a factor in the behavior of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets. The purpose of this study is to prevent anemia by increasing the behavior of consuming Fe in anemic pregnant women through Couple Class Online. The health promotion method used is Core educational intervention through Whatsapp group by sending educational pictures and texts so that it changes the behavior of pregnant women who have anemia. The study design uses quasi experimental with pretest - post-test one group design. The population is all anemia pregnant women and husbands in the Community Health Center Area. The sample was all anemia pregnant women and husbands who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria totaling 18 couples. The independent variable is Couple Class Online. The dependent variable is behavior. Data analysis using Paired t test. The results showed the significance of p-Value 0.002 behavior meant that there was a change in behavior after the Couple Class Online was done. It was concluded that the results of the study showed that p-value <0.05 meant that after doing Couple Class Online there were behaviors of anemia pregnant women and husbands. Health workers are expected to encourage pregnant women to always do a hemoglobin check in order to detect anemia, by involving the husband. To support pregnant women taking Fe, they can apply Couple Class Online to improve pregnant women's behavior in drinking Fe. Couple Class Online is effectively used as a means of sharing information knowledge in the corona pandemic era.

Nurwening Tyas Wisnu and Ayesha Hendriana Ngestiningrum
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