Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

The importance of pharmaceutical care in veterinary medicine

The present work establishes areas of action of pharmacist in medicine, as a possibility to optimize the care of pets and their guardians, allowing to satisfy the need for adequate, effective and safe treatment of the development of actions for this public. The demand for this type of service is increasing, and the humanization of animals and their importance in social life points to the need to specialize the services provided, leading to animal and human welfare. It was possible to prove the need to combine the actions of the two professions aimed at economic and individual benefits with owners of veterinary establishments, animal tutors, veterinarians, animal patients and pharmacists. For the provision of pharmaceutical care, the pharmaceutical professional must follow technical standards and laws that regulate the health system, aiming at the promotion, prevention, protection and recovery of health. In Brazil, Decree 20.377 of the Federal Constitution of September 8, 1931, approves the regulation of the exercise of the pharmaceutical profession1, and the law 5.517 of the Federal Constitution of Brazil, of October 23, 1968, provides for the practice of the profession of veterinarian and creates the Federal and Regional Councils of Veterinary Medicine2. Through a bibliographic research, based on the collection of data from sources such as monographs, scientific articles and books, it was possible to obtain a knowledge about the performance of the professional pharmacist in the veterinary field and establish this new importance niche in both social and economic aspects. K

Alba Lúcia Lopes Valente, Pedro Paulo Malias Vieira de Sá and Wagno Alcântara de Santana
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