Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

The importance of academic leagues in the health area for academic and professional development

This article is based on a cross-sectional and descriptive study with two methodological approaches – quantitative and qualitative, which aims to identify and evaluate the importance of academic leagues in the professional training of students in undergraduate courses that contemplate the area of health. Data were collected from December 9 to 15, 2019, through an electronic questionnaire applied to students and graduates who participated/participated in health leagues, totaling 90 responses. The information obtained was organized in a database by Word (Windows 2013) and descriptive statistical analysis was performed. The results showed the impact and benefits of the leagues in the expansion of technical-scientific knowledge for the research participants. Therefore, the insertion of students in the leagues contribute strategically in their teaching and academic learning, in the promotion of health and professional development for the labor market.

Ariela Dias Damasceno, Augusto Silva Ferraz, Jeniffer Kelly Brito de Oliveira, Larissa Muniz Barros, Stephanie de Santana Tosta e Wagno Âlcantarade Santana
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