Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Evaluation of the security challeges and vulnerabilities of wireless network in Nigeria and the countermeasures

Nigerians telecom industries are witnessing continuous growth and rapid progress in policy and technological development, which has resulted to increasingly competitive and networked world. Wireless communication systems offer much gain in developing countries including Nigeria. This wireless networks have experienced an explosive growth similar to the internet itself. This is due largely to the attractive flexibility enjoyed by both users and the providers themselves. At present wireless network weakness are on the increase due to the higher demand for wireless access, demand for higher data rates, the emergence of advanced services and the large deployment of the services in Nigeria and indeed the globe. This wireless network has however had daunting security challenges which have made them vulnerable and insecure. And their broadcast nature makes link-layer attacks readily available to anyone within the network layer. This is evident as security issues associated with them are escalating day by day thereby making high-speed wireless network and internet services insecure and defective. The present 802.1x authentication scheme often employed on wireless network is not without flaws, making mutual authentication impossible and open to man-in-the-middle attacks. There are new security issues seen with wireless network that threatens and alters the organizations overall information security risk profile. These threats have also affected the gains offered by wireless network especially in Nigeria where some stringent challenges of wireless network vulnerabilities are quite high. Effective management of the threats requires sound and thorough assessment of risk given the Nigeria environment and development of a plan to mitigate identified threats. This paper explores security issues associated with wireless network, so that a fully secured network could be established in Nigeria.

Ikporo Stephen, C.
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