Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Cvt In Young Adults; Study From Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In Chennai, India

Background and Purpose: We undertook this study to determine the frequency, clinical patterns, and etiologies of cerebral venous thrombosis in young adults in tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods: Records of all adult patients admitted with documented diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis from Jan 2011 through march 2015 in Department of Neurology, hospital. Results: A total of 351(228 males and 123 females) cases of stroke in young were admitted to the Department of Neurology between Jan 2011 to march 2015. Cerebral venous thrombosis accounted for 18.80 %( 66/351), Ischemic stroke 60.11 %( 211/351) and 21.08 %( 74/351) had spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH).Among CVT patients (37 men, 29 women) aged 15 to 45 years were identified. Fifty two cases (78.8%) had a clinical picture of headache. Twenty eight cases (42.43%) had seizures. Protein C and S deficiency was present in 8(12.12%), Behçet’s disease in 4 cases 6.06%), antiphospholipid antibodies in 4(6..06%), oral contraceptives and hormonal pills(OCP) in 10(15.16%), postpartum in 3(4.54%), systemic lupus erythematosus in 2(3.03%) , PCOD(Polycystic ovarian disease) in 2(4.54%) and factor V leiden in one case . Alcohol intake in 30 (45.46%) and smoking in 32(48.49%) Conclusions: Cerebral venous thrombosis in young adults is not uncommon. Alcoholism, OCP, coagulation disorder, postpartum state, Behçet’s disease are common aetiologies of CVT.All patients with a headache/stroke should undergo MRI/MRV/MRA of brain as a routine protocol before being labelled idiopathic.

ManjeshRathi, Stephen, S., Santanam, R., Deepak Arjundas, Ayyar, S.S.K. and Suresh Kumar
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