Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

A cross sectional study on the knowledge, awareness & practice of safety rules among the young college students in Trichy city, tamilnadu

Introduction: In India the number of accidents and the number of fatalities due to road traffic accidents is increasing day by day. But the general population is reluctant to follow certain safety measures that have to be followed during driving. The younger generation in particular is not willing to wear the helmets or seat belts while riding in two wheelers or four wheelers. Aim and Objectives: To study the knowledge, attitude and practice of road safety rules among the college students in Trichy district, Tamilnadu, India. The objectives are to assess the knowledge and awareness regarding the current safety rules and regulations with respect to driving among the college students of Trichy city and to understand the extent of adherence to those safety rules and regulations among the college students of Trichy city. Materials and Methods: Study design-Cross sectional study. Study site: Medical college and Engineering college students in Trichy. Study Tool: Standardized semi structured Pre tested questionnaire. Duration of study: 2 months. Sample size: 511. All the collected data were then entered in SPSS 17 and analyzed using the same software. Considering that the data were of categorical nature, descriptive statistics was used to describe the data. Results and Conclusion: The knowledge regarding the safety rules and practice of the safety rules was found to be very inadequate among the study participants. Further research is needed to validate these findings. Overall the findings of this study will be useful for planning accident prevention programs in the future.

Karthikeyan Kulothungan
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