Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

A comparative study to assess the selected behavioral problems among orphan and non-orphan school age children at selected orphan home and primary school at gujarat

Background: Childhood stage is a very important stage of development. In this stage there will be the emotional bounding between a child and his\ her mother father or other care giver, for healthy psychological, physical, social development has been known for countries. The following children will develop the following sort of behavioral problem, in case of poverty, and death of mother or father, family problems, neglect or abuse, marriage during adolescent’s, or when a mother or father cannot take care of their children. AIM: Of my study is to compare the behavioral problems among the orphan and non-orphan primary school age children. Material and Method: Research design of this study is comparative study and the sampling technique is purposive sampling technique. The sample size was 30 orphan and 30 non-orphan school age children. The tool used for this study was self-structured observational likert scale. Conclusion: The collected data was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In unpaired‘t’ test value is 5.48 it is the greater than the table value. So, it shows that there is the difference between the orphan and non-orphan behavioral problem.

Shahin A Patel, Suresh V. and Janki B Patel
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