Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Brain gym increase rough and fine motor development in pre school children ages 4-6 year in nu darul huda's kinder garten-mojokerto-indonesia

Toddler period is the most important in children growth. With the new stimulation, they will be more excited and happier to do things and not getting bored easily. Hence, the development of roughand finemotor skills will be easily achieved. One of the new fun ways for the development of fine motor is Brain Gym. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of giving brain gym on the development of fine and rough motor to the toddlers.This study is analytical quasi experimental design with one group pre-post approached. The independent variable in this study was brain gym and the dependent variables were fine and rough motoric development for toddlers aged 4-6 years. The population in this research consisted of 80 children and 60 children as experimental group. The location of this research was atNU Darul Huda’s Kindergarten-Mojokerto.The instruments in this study were KPSP sheets with appropriate age and checklist observation sheet. The data was analyzed with Wilcoxon test.There were differences from the rough motor development before and after given brain gym, also differences on fine motor development before and after given treatment of brain gym. So, there were differences between motor development before and after treatment of brain gym.

Sulis Diana, Elyana Mafticha and Ferilia Adiesti
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