Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Augmented reality in teaching and learning french for young children

Teaching non-natives French is usually faced with several difficulties such as lack of motivation due to cultural and societal differences. Although information and digital technological measures have, over the years, attempted to solve these learning and teaching challenges, none has done it better than Augmented Reality; AR. AR is an interactive experience with an enhanced version of reality - a real-world environment, made possible by technology through digital sound, visual, and other sensory stimuli elements. This paper attempts to review past studies on Augmented Reality's usefulness in teaching a second language to provide recommendations for stakeholders for its use in teaching and learning French for young children. A review of several scholarly studies revealed an enormous impact of AR on foreign language education by improving students' motivation and developing mental and cognitive skills, showing its effectiveness in teaching and learning French. Hence, the need to shift to the suspense and fun-filled AR approach to present information when teaching young non-natives French.

Dr. Walaa J. Alharthi
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